iSchool je soukromá britská mateřská a základní škola působící v Olomouci

Year 6-11 pupils together with pupils from ZŠ Sluníčko enjoyed a week full of skiing in Kouty nad Desnou. How was it and what did the children experience during the week? Sofia Nosko from Year 8 is going to tell you all about it!


Around 9:15 am on Monday, 22nd of January, we all gathered at the parking lot. When Sluníčko pupils arrived, both schools got onto the bus. The journey to Kouty nad Desnou was seemingly short, and once we got there, we took everything inside and put our skis/ski boots/ski poles/snowboards into the ski room. Everyone took their bags into their rooms and we went for lunch. Afterwards, we went skiing for the first time! Our instructors (Ms Monika, Ms Helena, Dana, Ladislava, Ladislav, and Ivča) divided us into groups. I went with Ms Helena and learned the basics of skiing, like going forwards, turning, putting on my skis and so on. I fell once, because my skis slipped under me, and I tumbled down the little kids’ hill. How was I supposed to know that my skis were so slippery if I’d never skied before? I mean, I’ve hardly even just touched skis. I didn’t even know what they felt like, or how heavy they were. And my ski boots! They’re so annoying! I could hardly walk properly because I couldn’t even lift my ankle. In the end, skiing was a lot of fun, and I couldn’t wait to go skiing on Tuesday. In the evening, we played ice-breakers with Sluníčko pupils, where we had to remember each other's names and then we were divided into groups where we had to go around the building and remember names and the faces of bandits. My team came second and I got a small bag of pretzel sticks. Our curfew was at 10 pm.


After a restful sleep, we had breakfast at 8am. It was a buffet where you could have scrambled eggs, sausages, rolls, bread, yoghurt, fruit/veggies, cereal, milk, jam, etc. 

We put on our ski/snowboard clothes and were ready by nine. I went with Ms Helena again and I continued to improve turning by doing pizza and hranolky technique (also known as pluh). I also went onto this rope which you grab and it pulls you up the tiny hill for kids. I fell twice before I could manage to do it! It was very annoying when I fell ‘on’ the rope, and it was still sliding forward under me. I was afraid that the rope was going to cut me in half like a chainsaw! After lunch, we went skiing again, and Ms. Helena persuaded me to try out the anchor which pulls you up the slope. I went and it was very satisfying, except at the end where you needed to go down a hill. I thought that I would fall, but I didn’t! Once I was on the top of the slope, Ms Helena took a picture of me and we went downhill very slowly by using pluh. I made it down successfully and we had dinner, which was fried cheese, a very good Czech food that I recommend. Then, we went bowling and I managed to get a strike! We played in two teams and switched between ourselves in pairs. It was fun, and there was also a boy from Sluníčko school who had a surprise birthday party. Nice!


After breakfast, we went skiing again. I went on the anchor, but this time with Ladislava. It was raining and it was also windy, so I wore my goggles. This time, it went much worse and I had to walk down the slope because I simply couldn’t make it. I got weatherbeaten and felt wetter than water. At the end of the slope where it straightens out, I managed to go down with Ladislava and we repeated this a few times by going off the anchor earlier. 

After lunch, our hike was cancelled due to the weather, so we watched a movie called Poslední závod based on a true story about Bohumil Hanč, where he sadly perishes in a snowy blizzard while going through a 50 km ski race. After the movie, a man from the Mountain Rescue Service named Roman explained how the service works and showed us some examples of accidents and injuries. After dinner, we had a disco party where we listened and danced to songs like Call Me Maybe, Barbie Girl, and some very strange Czech rap songs. 


On this day, I went skiing with Ivča because Ms Helena went with the snowboarders. I went down the slope (with many breaks) and felt much more confident. In the evening, we had Trivia Night where we learned about the Paralympic Games, which are Olympic Games for handicapped people. We had a quiz and then a Kahoot about it. Our team failed miserably at simple questions like the emergency number of the Horská Služba. We ended up in fifth place. The first place received tickets for a monoski ride, which they enjoyed the following day.


I know how to ski now and I’m very happy about that. I definitely will go to another ISO ski camp! After our morning session, the instructors gave us certificates for participation and Tatranky.  Our journey back to Olomouc was also seemingly short, and we came back to school where our parents picked us up and we went home. It was a great week!

Proč přihlásit své dítě do iSchool?

Získá perfektní znalost anglického jazyka.

Vyroste z něj světoobčan se širokým rozhledem i mimo lokální témata.

V iSchool klademe důraz na rozvoj osobnosti.

Rozvíjíme dovednosti dětí, nejen memorování.

Máme individuální přístup a schopnost motivovat ke zlepšování.

Vaše dítě se bude do školy konečně těšit.

Filosofie školy

Nekupujete si úspěch, platíte za to, že škola důrazně sleduje cíl dobře vzdělat vaše děti a dokáže je motivovat k vyššímu výkonu.

Nejsme výběrová škola. Věříme, že každý může být úspěšný.

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