iSchool is a private British school operating in Olomouc

Zahraniční program International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC) pro předškolní vzdělávání kombinuje to nejlepší z různých světových přístupů a naplňuje i požadavky českého Rámcového vzdělávacího programu pro předškolní vzdělávání (RVP PV). Program je uzpůsoben vzdělávacím potřebám dětí ve věku od 2 do 6 let a poutavě podněcuje přirozenou dětskou zvídavost a pomáhá učitelům utvářet kreativní a podnětné prostředí, ve kterém se děti mohou plně rozvíjet. Vzdělávací nabídka je systematicky uspořádaná do tématických bloků, které vyváženě kombinují cílenou hru, řízené činnosti a činnosti iniciované dětmi, a to ve všech vzdělávacích oblastech včetně osobnostního, sociálního a emocionálního rozvoje.

Throughout the year, we follow IEYC Units of Learning. Each unit starts with an Entry Point - the entry point introduces the unit and has fun activities for children to capture their curiosity and interest for further learning within the unit theme. Throughout the unit, children learn about each theme through guided play-based activities. Each unit is completed with an Exit Point. Through the exit point the children reflect on what they have learned and what activities they have done. They talk about what they enjoyed the most before moving on to another exciting unit.

Example of an IEYC unit: Blast Off The Blast off unit is very popular among children! During the Entry Point a rocket lands in our classroom and leaves our new friends aliens behind - Moonbeemers. Together we build a small space station and start our blast off journey. During the unit, we get to learn about the universe, explore planets, space and spacecraft through interesting and fun stories and games. We even dress up and role-play as astronauts and aliens!

Knowledge and skills development lead to an increasing sense of understanding when children are provided with opportunities to explore and express their ideas in multiple ways. Learning at our preschool is motivating, engaging and fun, opening up a world of wonder for children where personal potential can flourish.

I'm interested in registering my child

I want to register a child

School philosophy

Everything that I really need to know, I learned in preschool
…R. Fulghum

and we do everything we can so that even the youngest children are happy with us.

17. 5. 2024

Educational project for International School Olomouc

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17. 4. 2024

Tuition fees 2024/2025

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31. 1. 2024

Academic dates 2024/2025

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22. 12. 2023

Merry Christmas!

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20. 12. 2023

School's Christmas performance

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18. 12. 2023

Preschool's Christmas concert

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17. 11. 2023

Czech Day

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2. 10. 2023

Autumn Camp

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12. 9. 2023

Afternoon Clubs

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5. 9. 2023

Events Calendar for school year 2023/2024

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4. 9. 2023

Welcoming new team members!

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28. 8. 2023

IGCSE results success

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26. 4. 2023

Financial support from Olomouc city

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13. 4. 2023

Tuition fees 2023-2024

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31. 3. 2023

Maths Day

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31. 1. 2023

Academic dates 2023/2024

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21. 12. 2022

Christmas Show 2022 at Šantovka theatre

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16. 12. 2022

Financial contribution to digitalization

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10. 10. 2022

Autumn Camp 2022

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6. 9. 2022

Events Calendar for school year 2022/2023

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9. 6. 2022

Hledáme: Asistent pedagoga v MŠ

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9. 6. 2022

Hledáme: Učitel/ka v MŠ

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23. 5. 2022

Academic calendars 2022/2023

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5. 5. 2022

Inspection report 'British School Overseas Standards'

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29. 1. 2022

Poetry Day 2022

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