Finding Peter Green
Gracie and Percy left their house, closing the door behind them.
“Are you sure that this is safe?” asked Percy.
“Not really, but we’ve been getting this letter over and over again,” replied Gracie. “It’s like some obsessive Valentine person.” It was February, after all. They approached the house, ready to look for this Peter Green person, but when they came to the front of the house, a girl was already there before them. She looked at them.
“Are you also here for Peter Green?” she asked.
“Yeah,” Percy replied slowly. “But how do you know about him?”
The girl showed them a letter, similar to the one that the twins had gotten. “I’m Hazel, what about you?”
“I’m Gracie and this is my brother Percy,” replied Gracie. “So you’re also on the mission to save this Peter Green? Our mother told us that he vanished years ago.”
“These letters have kept coming onto my doorstep; I couldn’t take it any longer and decided to check it out,” Hazel explained. “Shall we go in?”
The three nervously walked up the porch steps and the door opened by itself with a loud creak! They stepped inside cautiously and spotted an empty fireplace, filled with ashes.
“There was a jack o’ lantern the last time we were here,” Percy said nervously.
“That was probably only for Halloween.” Hazel found a door. “What if we went through here?” The others nodded and walked through the door.
They were exploring the house (feeling as if they kept getting lost) until they combed every last inch. The whole house was empty, apart from the fireplace downstairs.
“What now?” asked Gracie. “We’ve searched the whole house.”
“Maybe we can…-” Hazel spotted something on the floor. “Does that look like a trapdoor to you?” The twins looked where she was looking. A faint outline of a square was lying on the dusty floor. Percy, closest to the trapdoor, knelt and opened the trapdoor. An explosion of dust erupted into the air, making them cough. Once the dust settled, Percy peered into the hole. “I don’t see anything down there…”
“Good thing that I brought a flashlight.” Gracie shone her flashlight down the hole, showcasing a ladder which continued into the darkness. “I’ll go first.” She carefully placed her foot on the first step of the ladder, her second foot following. Gracie started to climb down; the flashlight hanging on her neck was shining on everything, including a small spider which was climbing the wall. Percy and Hazel followed her, all of them climbing down carefully. They reached the bottom, and Gracie looked around them with her flashlight. What she saw was a long corridor.
Percy gulped audibly. “Um… what do you think we’ll find down there?”
“Some clues where Peter Green could’ve disappeared to,” replied Hazel as she crept along the corridor. “Come on, you two! We can’t stop now!” The trio walked down the corridor until they reached a black-lacquered door, which looked newer than most parts of the house.
“Hazel opened the door to reveal a room with an empty chair in the middle of it.
“Who do you think sat here?” asked Gracie as they cautiously walked into the room.
“I don’t know, I don’t really want to find out.” Hazel spotted something. “Check this out!” It was a fireplace (a lot like the one downstairs), but there was a dusty portrait of a young boy hanging above it. An old candelabra was just below the portrait. The wax of the candles was quite low, the wicks worn out. A small, rusty plaque was next to the portrait.
“The plaque reads ‘Peter Green’!” gasped Gracie as soon as she read it. “He looks so young, maybe even our age!”
“He doesn’t even have to be an adult yet,” added Percy. “I never really thought of that.”
Hazel traced her fingers over the plaque (also getting lots of dust on her fingers) and she accidentally pressed too much on the plaque, making the whole section of the wall turn over.
“Woah! I thought that that only happens in horror movies!” exclaimed Percy.
“There wasn’t even any dust!” added Gracie in horror.
“That means that someone has already used this thing,” whispered Hazel. “Oh dear. I know what we have to do.” She walked over to the fireplace. “Hold onto the candelabra.”
Gracie and Percy obliged, and Hazel pressed the plaque. The wall turned over, and the three friends found themselves in some sort of secret room. There were no windows, only torches on the walls. Also, the ghost from before! The three filled their lungs with air and screamed loudly. The ghost shook its head and glided over to them. It did some wild arm gestures, and pointed at another wall. The three looked at it: there was a door. The ghost beckoned them over and easily passed through the door. Percy opened it and they entered yet another room. Here, there was a lot of furniture such as armchairs, chests of drawers, tables, and even a bed. The ghost glided over to an armchair which had its back to them, and gestured at the kids wildly. They followed (very nervously) and looked at the armchair. In it, a boy from the portrait was sitting, absorbed in a book. He looked up at them in surprise. “You came!” he grinned.
“The three looked at each other in confusion. “Who’re you? You’re not Peter Green, are you?” asked Gracie.
“I am Peter Green!” Peter exclaimed happily. He stood up, the forgotten book slipping onto the armchair. “Finally, someone can help me out of this dreadful house!”
“Did someone trap you here?” asked Percy. “We heard that you passed away years ago when you didn’t come back out of the house.”
“Time moves much slower here- I only feel like I’ve been in here for a month!” Peter explained. “And as for the man who captured me… I’ve no idea where he is or why he even captured me.” His eyes lit up. “Will you help me capture him for once and for all?”
Gracie and Percy looked at each other, while Hazel eyed the ghost again. “Peter, who’s your friend?”
“That’s Mr. Green, the old owner of the house,” explained Peter. “He passed away just before the man captured me. Will you help?”
The three looked at each other. “Of course we will!” replied Gracie. “So, how do we start?”
Peter grinned and they began to devise a plan.
Získá perfektní znalost anglického jazyka.
Vyroste z něj světoobčan se širokým rozhledem i mimo lokální témata.
V iSchool klademe důraz na rozvoj osobnosti.
Rozvíjíme dovednosti dětí, nejen memorování.
Máme individuální přístup a schopnost motivovat ke zlepšování.
Vaše dítě se bude do školy konečně těšit.
Nekupujete si úspěch, platíte za to, že škola důrazně sleduje cíl dobře vzdělat vaše děti a dokáže je motivovat k vyššímu výkonu.
Nejsme výběrová škola. Věříme, že každý může být úspěšný.
Jolly Phonics je poutavá metoda, jak děti učit dovednostem, které předcházejí výuce čtení a psaní pomocí hláskování. Phonics vyučuje zvuky – hlásky písmen, a ne jejich jména, jak se v AJ rozlišuje. Protože jsou to právě hlásky písmen, které jsou důležité pro čtení a psaní. Tento způsob je obdoba genetické metody výuky čtení a psaní v ČJ. Děti se učí z písmen skládat slova a slova rozkládat na písmena (s-u-n). Nabídka činností pro osvojování si hlásek je dětem nabízena systematickým způsobem a děti mají možnost rozvíjet si další dovednosti potřebné k pozdějšímu čtení a psaní. Program Jolly Phonics dětem nabízí poutavou a zábavnou vzdělávací nabídku plnou písniček, příběhů, her, pohybu provázenou oblíbenými maňásky. Podrobnější informace o Jolly Phonics najdetezde.
ORT je program, který pomáhá dětem osvojovat si počátky předčtenářských dovedností od věku 4 let. Tento program je velmi populární a je používán většinou britských a zahraničních mateřských a základních škol. Biff, Chip, Kipper a Floppy jsou oblíbené postavy z poutavých knížek a ilustrací, které velmi dobře zaujmou dětskou představivost a zájem a pomohou jim v rozvoji předčtenářských dovedností. ORT je skvělý způsob jak dále procvičovat a rozvíjet znalosti, které si již děti osvojily pomoci programu Jolly Phonics..
Cambridge Primary ENGLISH podporuje přístup, kdy centrem vzdělávacího procesu není učitel, nýbrž samotný žák. Tímto vzdělávací program přirozeně rozvíjí sebevědomí, kreativitu a intelektuální zapojení žáků do svého vzdělávání. Žáci si osvojují jazykové dovednosti, které následně ihned aplikují při psaní textů pro různé účely a publikum, pro každodenní situace a pro vlastní studium.
Angličtina se u nás učí jako první jazyk. Žáci, kteří s angličtinou teprve začínají nebo potřebují více podpory jsou zařazeni do intenzivního programu 'angličtina jako druhý jazyk' neboli ESL
Více o Cambridge Primary AngličtiněCambridge Primary MATEMATIKA se zaměřuje na matematické principy, vzory, systém, funkce a vztahy, aby žáci mohli uplatnit své matematické znalosti a rozvíjet ucelené porozumění předmětu. Sama znalost malé násobilky bez aplikace do konkrétních problémů a rozvíjení dalších dovedností jak matematické problémy řešit je pro žáky zbytečná - v naší škole klademe důraz na to, aby děti věděli proč se něco učí a jak určitou znalost a dovednost použít.
Více o Cambridge Primary MatematiceTento předmět rozvíjí dovednosti výzkumu, analýzy, hodnocení, reflexe, spolupráce a komunikace. Zaměřujeme se na rozvoj přenositelných dovedností žáků, které budou nezbytné pro úspěch v dalších předmětech, ve vysokoškolském studiu i v pracovním životě. Žáci pracují na "výzvách" v průběhu celého roku.
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