iSchool je soukromá britská mateřská a základní škola působící v Olomouci

Peter, Hazel, Gracie, Percy, and Mr Green the ghost gathered around a table to devise a plan to get rid of the evil person who captured Peter for a mysterious reason. They began to discuss why the man wanted to catch Peter. “Do you have some sort of fortune?” Hazel asked.
Peter shook his head. “No, I don’t. Just this house, but it’s really old.”
“Maybe there’s treasure somewhere here,” suggested Percy.
“Or maybe Peter knows something that the man doesn’t,” considered Gracie.
“But I hardly know anything! Maybe he wants the password to the secret library chamber,” Peter shrugged.
“The secret library chamber?” repeated Hazel. “What’s in there?”
“A book,” answered Peter. “But I’ve never opened it. The pages stuck fast to each other.”
“Do you know what’s in it?” Gracie asked Mr Green, who shook his head.
“Can we get to the secret library chamber?” Percy wanted to know.
Peter nodded. “We could…”
“What’s the password, anyway?” asked Hazel.
“I dunno,” shrugged Peter.
“But you said that you knew it!”
“I only said that he might want the password.”
“But what about the book?”
“I’ve seen the book outside of the chamber,” replied Peter. “That was before Mr Green locked the chamber.”
Hazel whirled around to look at Mr Green. “What’s the password?”
“He doesn’t know it,” said Gracie. “You don’t need a password to lock a chamber, anyway. Maybe Mr Green did it so that no one could open the chamber again.”
Peter stood up. “It’s clear, then,” he concluded. “We find out the password and open the chamber to get the book.”
The rest nodded eagerly, even Mr Green.
“Let’s go!” Gracie also stood up, as did everyone else.
“Search the house,” commanded Peter. “Perhaps it’s a note, hidden away in a book or maybe even in between furniture.”
And so the children and ghost searched the house. Mr Green even went through the walls just to be sure.
Hazel looked under a chest of drawers. “There’s so much dust here,” she murmured as she searched the drawers.
Percy peered behind a portrait of wilted sunflowers. “I know.”
Gracie flipped through a bunch of (very dusty) books, searching for the password.
Finally, she found the note within one of the books.
“I’ve got it!” she called. When she looked at the note, there was nothing to be seen.
“It might be invisible ink!” Peter exclaimed as he picked up a candle and held it under the paper. Slowly but surely, the words appeared: Industrial Revolution
“What?” asked Peter. “‘Industrial Revolution’ is the password?”
“How old is the house, anyway?” asked Percy.
Mr Green pointed at a plaque which read ‘1765’.
“That was definitely during the revolution,” confirmed Gracie.
“Mr Green, please show us the chamber!” Peter begged.
Mr Green glided away from them, the children right on his heels. They reached a door with a lock on it. The lock looked rather modern. Gracie walked over to the lock and typed in ‘Industrial Revolution’ and the door clicked open.
Inside was a single table, with a single book laying atop of the table. The cover was made out of leather, which gleamed in the candlelight. Peter walked inside and picked it up. He turned around to face the others and miraculously opened the book.
Hazel walked over and read the book over his shoulder.
“This isn’t English,” frowned Peter.
“It isn’t,” agreed Hazel. “It’s some sort of… other language.”
The twins and Mr Green went over to look at it themselves.
“It looks like some sort of ancient script,” mused Gracie. “But I’ve never seen it before.”
Percy pointed at a date on one of the pages: 1066. “Wouldn’t that be old English?”
“Old English looks different,” argued Hazel.
“Do you know what it is?” Peter asked Mr Green, who appeared to hesitate. The ghost nodded.
“You do‽” the twins exclaimed.
“What language is it?” Hazel asked.
Mr Green hesitated again, then wrote in the air: E L V I S H.
“Elvish‽?” the twins exclaimed again.
Mr Green nodded, then gestured at Peter to flip a page.
Then he wrote: O L D E N G L I S H.
Peter flipped another page, and a new words came:
“Elvish, old English, and the language of the faeries?” asked Gracie.
Mr Green nodded.
“Life just got supernatural,” joked Percy.
Hazel rolled her eyes. “But how does it help us?”
“Well well well,” said a voice behind them.
The group looked up to see a cloaked figure.
“If it isn’t the book- and the group- that I was hoping to see,” said the cloaked figure. “You’re all in my clutches at last!”


To be continued...


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